
Magnéli phase titanium suboxides (Magnéli TiOx) are promising, novel materials with superior properties compared to TiO2, they are substoichiometric titanium oxides with the chemical formula TinO2n-1 (where n ≥ 1). In this study, for the first time, subchronic effects of dietary intake of Magnéli TiOx were evaluated and compared with TiO2 particles of similar size, in concentrations 0.1% and 0.01% of feed. The experiment consisted of 38 d of an exposition period and 14 d of a depuration period. Minor effects on plasma biochemical profile and morphological parameters were recorded. A reduced count of leukocytes was found in the blood of both Magnéli TiOx and TiO2 exposed fish, suggesting immunotoxic effects. Erythrocytosis was specific for Magnéli TiOx. Indices of oxidative stress, namely increased lipid peroxidation in liver, increased activity of superoxide dismutase in liver, kidney and gills and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in gills, as well as decreased activity of ceruloplasmin and GST in liver were found predominantly in fish exposed to TiO2. Histopathological examination revealed increased lipid-like vacuolation in the liver, the presence of hyaline droplets in renal tubules and multiplication of mucous glands in the epidermis in both tested substances and intestine damage in TiO2 groups.Overall, in Magnéli TiOx exposed groups, fewer adverse effects compared to TiO2 expositions were recorded. Their wider practical implementation in place of TiO2 is therefore beneficial.

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