
Breeding communities of flagfish, Jordanella floridae, were exposed to northern Ontario lake water (hardness 28 mg l −1 CaCo 3) adjusted to depressed pH levels of 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 and 4.5. Control water (pH 6.8) received no acid treatment. Egg production, egg fertility and fry growth was impaired ( P < 0.05) at all exposure levels. Flagfish fry survival was reduced ( P < 0.05) at pH 5.5 and 5.0 and no fry survived at pH 4.5. Variability of hatching in all treatments precluded any identifiable hatching response to depressed pH. Reduction in the reproductive processes monitored indicated the following order of sensitivity: egg production > fry survival > fry growth > egg fertility. Results of this study coincide with reproductive investigations on brook trout and fathead minnows indicating the “no effect” level of pH depression for successful reproduction to be pH 6.5.

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