
The importance of an economy's governance architecture has gained significant recognition and appreciation over the past decade, on both regional and global levels. Especially in developing countries, political and corporate leadership is very much aware of the positive effects a functioning governance framework and architecture can have. By including the analysis of governance effects in the macroeconomic discussion and by aligning it comparatively with commodity price effects on emerging economies this study attempts to contribute to the ongoing discussion on regional and global governance architecture. The study provides an innovate contribution to the ongoing discussion of regional and global governance architecture in the context of international economic policy development. It attempts to draw a comparison between two sets of independent factors affecting emerging economies: Governance and commodity prices. The study’s geographical scope is defined by today’s two major emerged forces in their respective regions which underwent significant political and economic changes. In Latin America, Brazil is dominant in its size, geopolitical role and weight. And China, one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations, is the dominating power in its hemisphere. This thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 serves as its introduction. Chapter 2 provides a brief comparative overview of the sociopolitical developments of Brazil and China during the past fifty years. It illustrates the two countries' macroeconomic frameworks and economic structures according to their demographics, interdependent dynamics, labor markets, domestic sectors, GDPs and their composition, natural resources, and external sectors. Chapter 3 introduces the data sets and data methodology used in the empirical and econometric analysis. Chapter 4 is the main part of the study and presents the suite of statistical diagnostic tests on which the econometric analysis is based. Chapter 5 discusses the regression results and offers comparative economic interpretations for selected dependent variables. The objective is to uncover significant empirical relationships supported by findings of statistical significance. The conclusion following Chapter 5 is split into three parts: Overall Conclusion, Sectional Summaries, and Final Remarks. The overall conclusion summarizes the objective, scope and findings of the study and provides a top level summary. The Sectional Summaries offer an in depth summary of the thesis' individual chapters and their sections. The final remarks round up the conclusion and thesis as a whole.

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