
Propylthiouracil (PTU)-induced hypothroidism has been shown to produce a significant increase in the uptake of radiophosphorus ( 32P) by the testes of young chicks. Continued investigation of this effect demonstrated that thyroidectomy of young birds resulted in elevations in testis 32P uptake comparable to those observed following the administration of PTU. It would thus appear that the increased levels of 32P in the testes of PTU-treated chicks resulted from the hypothyroid condition itself rather than from some other pharmacological action of PTU. A time course study indicated that there were no differences in the turnover rates of labeled testicular phosphorus in hypo-, hyper-, and euthyroid birds which might account for the above observations. Sensitivity of the chick testis to pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) was unaffected by changes in thyroid activity, and the combined effects of PMSG and hypothyroidism on the testis were seemingly additive. Alternative possibilities to explain the apparent indirect effect of subnormal thyroid activity on the testis were therefore discussed.

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