
Carbohydrate (CHO) and caffeine (CAF) are the most preferred nutritional ergogenic aids by elite athletes. CHO improves performance by sparing the muscle glycogen depots and CAF by antagonizing adenosine receptors. In recent years it has been shown that combined or seperated CHO and CAF mouth rinsing can improve sprint performance. However, more research is needed to examine the effect of CHO and CAF rinsing on strength and muscular endurance performance. PURPOSE: to investigate the effect of rinsing of CHO and CAF on bench press strength and endurance performance. METOTS: Twelve resistance trained men participated in this research. After the familiarization test day, participants participated in a total of 4 test days with a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover study design: 6% (1.5 gr.) weight / volume (w / v) CHO mouth rinse (CMR) with 25 ml water, mouth rinse with water (PLA), %1.2 CAF mouth rinse (CAFMR) and combined %6 CHO, %1.2 CAF mouth rinse (CCMR). After a 10-hour night fasting one repetition maximum (1RM) was determined for strength and %40 1RM strength endurance test over a 3 sets until repetition to failure with 2 seconds eccentric and 2 seconds concentric phase. Prior to strength and endurance measurements, participants rinsed the solutions in their mouths for 10 seconds. During the test protocol heart rate (hr), lactate (la), glucose (glu), felt arousal (fa) and ratings of perceived exertion (rpe) were measured. In the analysis of the data, single and two-way repeated measures analysis of variance were used. RESULTS: No significant differences were detected between trials as for strength, endurance, hr, glu, la, fa, rpe (P>0.05). DISCUSSION: This research has shown that orally rinsing of carbohydrate and caffeine does not have a significant effect on upper body strength and muscular endurance performance. The results of the study are in parallel with the literature. In future studies, higher doses of solutions may be rinsed in the mouth to investigate the effect on lower body strength and muscular endurance performance whose which muscle activation percentage is low during maximal voluntary contraction. keywords: Caffeine, carbohydrate, rinsing, ergogenic,

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