
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is one of the most commonly used substances for medical and recreational purposes globally. With the trend of global legalization of medical use of cannabis and even the recreational use, the prevalence of recreational use of cannabis has increased markedly over the past few years. Correspondingly, the potential health concerns related to cannabis consumption have also increased. Therefore, it is necessary for oral healthcare providers to understand the effects of cannabis use on oral health. This review briefly summarizes the components of cannabis, biologic activities on tissues, and mechanisms of action in human cells and tissues. Oral tissue expression of cannabinoid receptors and the potential association of cannabis to oral diseases are also examined. The goals of this review are to (1) elaborate the basic biology and physiology of cannabis in human oral tissues, and (2) provide a better understanding the effects of its use and abuse on oral health. Due to insufficient information, more well-designed studies should be conducted. It is urgent to include cannabis usage into dental patient health records.

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