
Protective coloration is a well-known predator avoidance strategy in prey species. Aposematic species often display a contrasting color pattern consisting of dark spots of different shapes and sizes on a bright background coloration. Both elements, background color and spots are expected to serve different purposes. While the ecological function of the bright coloration has been addressed in many studies, the question of whether the interaction with differently sized spots influences predator behavior has received less attention by researchers. In a lowland rain forest in Costa Rica we used 2700 clay models that imitated the polytypic strawberry poison frog (Oophaga pumilio) as a proxy for an aposematic prey species. We manipulated the dorsal color pattern by using a local and a non-local aposematic and a non-local cryptic background color and combined them with black spots increasing in size (none, small, medium, large). The major objective was to test if spot size alters the survival rate of differently colored models. Background coloration and spot size were significant predictors of being attacked. However, the interaction between both effects was not. During five trials predators avoided the non-local aposematic color morph and did not discriminate between local aposematic and non-local cryptic models. Spot size and attack rate were negatively linear correlated which suggests that predator selection promotes the evolution of dark spots. We further conclude that spot size matters in a contrasting color pattern and plays an important role in predator avoidance.

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