
This study was carried out to determine an effective combination of chelators, reductants and free radical scavengers for enhancing color stability and minimizing lipid oxidation in muscle foods fortified with n − 3 fatty acids. Chelators (sodium tripolyphosphate, STPP; sodium citrate, CIT), reductants (sodium erythorbate, ERY) and radical scavengers (butylhydroxyanisole, BHA; mixed tocopherols from two different sources, 30 or 95TOC; rosemary extract, ROSE) were incorporated in various combinations into ground beef (15% fat) with or without n − 3 oil fortification ( n = 8). Individually, STPP and CIT had no significant effect on a* values except day 4, but showed higher a* values when combined with ERY (STPP + ERY and CIT + ERY) ( P < 0.05). CIT had lower hue angle values than STPP on days 4 and 6, but CIT + ERY showed more discoloration than STPP + ERY ( P < 0.05). CIT + ERY showed less lipid oxidation than CIT alone ( P < 0.05), whereas there was no difference between STPP and STPP + ERY. CIT + ERY + ROSE demonstrated higher a* values than CIT + ERY + 95TOC on days 4 and 6 ( P < 0.05); there was no difference between ROSE and 95TOC groups when n − 3 oil was incorporated into ground beef patties ( P > 0.05). The combination of ROSE and ERY appeared to be effective in slowing the decline of a* values. All antioxidant combinations were effective at delaying lipid oxidation when compared to CON or n − 3. A combination of CIT, ERY and ROSE was most effective for stabilizing color and delaying lipid oxidation.

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