
A theory which describes the constant f-plane flow of a steady inviscid baroclinic boundary current over a continental margin with a bathymetry that varies slowly in the alongshore but rapidly in the offshore directions is developed in the parameter regime (L D/L) 2 ≤ Ro ≪ 1 , where L D is the internal deformation radius, L the horizontal length scale, and Ro the Rossby number. To lowest order in the Rossby number the flow is along isobaths with speed q o = V u(h,z)|Vh|/α , where V u(h,z) is the upstream speed, α the upstream bottom slope at depth h, and Vh the bottom slope downstream at depth h. The lowest order flow produces a variation in the vertical component of relative vorticity along the isobath as the magnitude and direction of Vh vary in the downstream direction. The variation of vorticity requires a vertical as well as a cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number. The first order vertical velocity is computed from the vorticity equation in terms of upstream conditions and downstream variations of the bathymetry. The density, pressure, and cross-isobath flow at first order in the Rossby number are then calculated. It is shown that in the cyclonic region of current ( d/dh(V u/α) > 0 ), if the isobaths diverge in the downstream direction ( (∂/∂s)|Vh| < 0), then upwelling and onshore flow occur. The theory is applied to the northeastern Florida shelf to explain bottom temperature observations.

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