
The most important reasons for buying white goods according to consumers are to use or take advantage of them for various purposes. Meanwhile, consumers may also have other purposes such as innovation, prestige, brand and flashiness. Many people perceive white goods as comfort and ease of life. However, the most important thing is to figure out why or why not consumers buy and the factors which affect their brand preference most. During brand life cycle, the links produced by advertisements in consumers’ mind will determine consumers’ decision for brand preference, in addition to brand awareness. Although there are several researches on the effects of advertisements on consumers’ decision in general, there are no researches about effects of advertisement on decision of white goods. This situation required this study. The aim of this research is to explore the effects of advertisements in white goods sector on brand preference. According to this aim, firstly brand and ad concepts are reviewed and then the relationship between them is stated. Afterwards for the preference of white goods brands are evaluated through results of the research. The study participants are customers of white goods brands in Istanbul and the data collection method used is questionnaire. (After questionnaires recovered, SPSS 11.5 was used for frequence analysis, reliability & validity analysis, anovo and t-tests respectively).It is assessed that the results and findings of the research will be helpful for white goods vendors about advertisement decisions.

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