
To determine the relative importance of adult size and arrival date for reproductive success in a natural setting, we first genetically determined relationships between all spawning adult steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and juvenile offspring in four brood years and then tested hypothesized relationships between parents' phenotypes and the number and size of their juvenile offspring. Patterns of reproductive success varied among years, but in all cases, a few adults of each sex produced most of the offspring. The number of offspring showed a weak, positive relationship to the mother's size but not to her arrival date. Paternal reproductive success varied considerably but was only weakly associated with size in 1998 and weakly related to arrival date in 2000. In 1997, 1998, and 1999, the offspring of early-spawning females were larger at the end of their first and second summers in the stream; however, in 2000, both arrival date and length were positively related to offspring size. There was no general trend in offspring size in relation to paternal size or arrival date; however, paternal length affected offspring size in 1998 and male arrival date affected offspring size in 2000.

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