
6-Hydroxydopamine was given to newborn mice. After 60 days their brains were deficient in noradrenaline and dopamine while morphine's antinociceptive action was reduced. 6-Hydroxydopa was administered to adult mice. This depleted brain noradrenaline and reduced morphine's antinociceptive action. Newborn rats received 6-hydroxydopa. After 60 days morphine's antinociceptive action was potentiated, brain noradrenaline was reduced while dopamine had increased. Adult rats were treated with 6-hydroxydopa. This reduced brain noradrenaline but did not affect morphine's antinociceptive action. Guanethidine, which depletes noradrenaline in the peripheral nervous sytem, was given to newborn animals of both species. It had no effect on morphine's antinociceptive action. It is concluded that in the mouse the antinociceptive action of morphine relies in part on normal brain noradrenaline function and dopamine is not directly involved. In the rat morphine's action is affected by neurotoxic drugs which alter brain dopamine function.

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