
Industrial structure adjustment is an important component of China’s supply-side structural reforms. This study examines the effect and action path of regional industrial structure transformation, through the lens of advancement and rationalization, on the economic fluctuation and quality of the marine fishery industry. The results show that regional industrial structure advancement (rationalization) promotes (reduces) economic fluctuation. Regarding the action paths, regional industrial structure advancement (rationalization) has a U-shaped (inverted U-shaped) relationship with economic quality. The regional industrial structure advancement level is greater than 5.108 in China’s coastal areas and on the right side of the U shape. Thus, the evolution of the industrial structure in these areas is conducive to improving the economic quality of marine fisheries. Meanwhile, The degree of regional industrial structure rationalization has not reached the optimum level, and most areas are far from optimum level. This suggests that the structural dividends from industrial structure rationalization not fully released and need further regulation. In terms of the overall effect, regional industrial structure transformation can cause economic fluctuations in marine fisheries, with the main force originating from industrial structure advancement. The path of regional industrial structure transformation affecting economic quality of marine fisheries is non-linear. At present, the industrial structure advancement transformation can improve economic quality, but the industrial structure rationalization needs to be further adjusted.

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