
SummaryThe effects of breeding territoriality on the stability of grey red‐backed vole (Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae) populations were investigated on a control grid and a grid on which the voles were fed, in an outdoor enclosure in Hokkaido, Japan. Vole populations were monitored by live trapping from 1984 to 1986: (1) Population density was 2–7 times greater on the experimental grid to which food was added than on the control grid. Reproductive output was more closely associated with the difference in density between grids than survival or dispersal (immigration and emigration) rates. (2) The number of adult females and pregnancy rate of the experimental population were significantly greater than those of the control one. The difference in the number of adult females between the populations was greater than that in pregnancy rate. (3) The proportion of successful litters and the number of weanlings per litter were not significantly different between the control and experimental population. (4) Adult females held territories on both the control and experimental grid; they were spaced out more than would be expected from random occupation. The territories overlapped more on the experimental grid than on the control grid. (5) Mean territory size of adult females on the experimental grid was about half of that on the control grid. The territory size was correlated negatively with population density. (6) The proportion of trap sites that were used by adult females was significantly greater on the experimental grid than on the control grid. This suggests that adult females on the experimental grid used the area more extensively. This factor, in association with territory size and overlapping of territory, was also important in causing the difference in the number of adult females between the grids. (7) These results call into question the hypothesis that territoriality stabilizes the density in populations of Clethrionomys.

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