
s / Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 12 (2015) 325–375 347 natural (sunlight) light sources. Fluorescence imageswere taken to locate the distribution of the curcumin in themosquito larvae. Both curcumins derivative exhibited photoactivity, reaching 100% larval mortality after exposure to different light sources shown above. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pdpdt.2015.07.087 Study of ALA andMALmixtures in pig skin: PpIX production Alessandra Keiko Lima Fujita, Priscila Fernanda Campos de Menezes, Phamilla Gracielli Sousa Rodrigues, Michelle Barreto Requena, Cristina Kurachi, Andre Escobar, Rozana Wendler da Rocha, Andrigo Barboza de Nardi, Vanderlei S. Bagnato Sao Carlos Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Topical PDT using ALA (aminolevulinic acid) or methyl-ALA (MAL) as precursor of protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) shows some limitations. ALA is more hydrophilic than MAL, resulting in differences at the molecule interaction with the cells. The goal of study is evaluated the optimization of topical PDTusingALA andMAL in differentmixtures. This studywas done in vivo in porcine skinmodels using 7 categories of ALA andMALmixtures. The cream in different mixtures was applied and an occlusive dressing was placed. PpIX production in a porcine skin model was monitored using widefield fluorescence imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy collected at skin surface until 5 h of treatment. Seven types of mixture were tested, from 0 to 100% combinations, varying on 20%. The imaging analyses, showed the best results in PpIX productionwithmixtures from 40% to 80% of ALA. Both fluorescence techniques showed that the higher relative production of PpIX was present when the ALA concentration was of 40–80%. The investigation of the PpIX production as a function of the tissue depth is being performed. These results can be useful in Clinical Applications of PDT using topical ALA and M-ALA (Financial support: CNPq). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pdpdt.2015.07.088 Interstitial photodynamic therapy: Light fractionation effects on a preclinical model of glioblastoma Henri-Arthur Leroy, Maximilien Vermandel, Bertrand Leroux, Serge Mordon, Nicolas Reyns INSERM U1189 – ONCO-THAI Lille, Department of Neurosurgery/University Hospital, University of Lille,

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