
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of weight training with pyramid set method against muscle hypertrophy of Adonis fitness members cafe, knowing the effect of weight training with the drop set method on muscle hypertrophy member Adonis fitness café, and know the difference the effect of weight training between the pyramid set method and the drop set method against muscle hypertrophy of members of Adonis fitness café Yogyakarta. This type of research is an experiment using two Group Pretest-Posttest Experimental Design. Population used in This study was an active member of 70 people who exercised. Retrieval purposively determined samples that meet research inclusion criteria namely male members with the aim of increasing muscle mass / hypertrophy, namely: a total of 20 people. The division of groups in this study by means of ordinal pairing. For group I weight training using the pyramid methodsets and group II weight training using the drop set method. The results showed that: (1) there was a significant influence From weight training using the pyramid set method to muscle hypertrophy member of Adonis fitness, with a significant value of 0.000 (p<0.05) for arm muscles, and a significant value of 0.001 (p<0.05) for pectoral muscles, (2) there is a significant effect that Significance of weight training using the drop set method against hypertrophy muscle member Adonis fitness, with a significant value of 0.000 (p<0.05) for muscle arms and chest, and (3) Based on the mean difference (mean DF), there are Increased muscle hypertrophy among weight training groups pyramid set method (1.3500) and drop set method (1.8000) with p value (sig) of 0.038 (p<0.05) for arm muscles, and increased muscle hypertrophy between exercise groups Pyramid method load set (1.2500) and drop set (1.9500) with p value (Sig) amounted to 0.007 (<0.05). It can be concluded that weight training drop set method More influential for muscular hypertrophy than the pyramid set method.

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