
The problem in this study is the effectiveness of using the barcode system in making family cards at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Minahasa Regency. This study aims to determine how effective the use of the barcode system in making family cards at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Minahasa Regency is. Sources of data in this study were the people of Minahasa Regency as many as 32 people. To analyze the data, quantitative descriptive analysis technique with the percentage formula. Based on the result of SPPS the lowest calculated r value is 0.567 and the highest calculated r value is 0.911, it can be concluded that the statement is valid, because r arithmetic is greater than r table 0.349. then Cronbach's alpha values obtained are input 0.730, productivity 0.766, satisfaction 0.796, and output 0.766, because the value is greater than 0.7 so it can be concluded are reliable. Then the effectiveness of using the barcode system in making family cards at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Minahasa Regency is very effective with a result of 86,4%.

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