
Silage plays an important role in the organization of complete feeding of dairy cattle. Only the availability of high-quality raw materials, as well as the use of more advanced silage technology, can guarantee the receipt of the highest quality feed. Currently, when preparing silage various preservatives are widely used, which have their own positive and negative qualities, allowing us to reduce the loss of nutrients. The purpose of the research was to study the use of silage prepared with Best-Sil bioconservant in feeding lactating cows and its eff ect on their milk productivity and products quality. Scientifi c and farming experiment was carrier out under the conditions of the animal complex “Korshevo” in LLC EkoNivaAgro in the Bobrovsky district of the Voronezh region on animals of Holstein breed. The cows of the control group received a farming ration. The diff erences in feeding cows consisted in the fact that the animals of the experimental groups were fed silage prepared with using the preservative Best-Sil in diff erent dosages such as in the 1st experimental group at a dose of 1,0 g per 1 ton of silage, in the 2nd experimental group 1,5 g/ton of silage and in the 3rd experimental group 2,0 g/t of silage. It has been experimentally proved that the use of silage prepared with the use of the Best-Sil preservative contributes to the improvement of the completeness of feeding and feed conversion, improvement of the state of protein, fat, mineral metabolism, and the quality of products. It was found that it is advisable to introduce silage prepared with using the Best-Sil bioconservant in the amount of 2 g/t into the rations of lactating cows. This dosage allows us to get higher milk productivity, improve the quality of milk, has a positive infl uence on the health of experimental animals and allows us to increase the level of profi tability of production.

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