
Mycotoxins have been formed in feed are secondary metabolites of fungi and are quite stable substances that have teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. An effective way to combat mycotoxins in feed is the use of feed additives that adsorb toxins, prevent their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal and are excreted from the body. The infl uence of coconut enterosorbent Shelltic Es on fattening and meat qualities of young pigs has been studied. It has been found in the process of fattening that the highest feed digestibility was in pigs of the experimental group, in the diet of which enterosorbent has been added. The results of studies of the chemical composition and technological properties of pork have been provided. The positive eff ect of enterosorbent on precocity, absolute average daily gain of live weight and reduction of feed expenditures per 1 kg of gain has been revealed. In pigs from the experimental group the average thickness of the fat was higher and the area of the “muscle eye” was lower compared with animals of the control group, which indicates that higher rates of carcass yield have been obtained due to faster accumulation of fat tissue. The weight of internal organs of pigs indicates the intensity of metabolic processes in the body. In experimental animals the weight of the lungs was 0,1 kg lower, and the liver and heart were higher by 0,13 and 0,01 kg, respectively. Enterosorbent had no effect on the content of vitamins in the liver of pigs of the compared groups. The content of impurities of organochlorine toxicants and toxic elements in the meat and liver of animals of the experimental group was lower than that of control analogues. Therefore, the use of enterosorbent Shelltic Es promotes more active excretion of them from the body.

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