
This research is based on the background of the low learning outcomes of fourth-grade students at Public Elementary School Pedurungan Kidul 01 Semarang in the subject of Social Sciences natural resource material and students' low creative thinking skills. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were all fourth-grade students at Public Elementary School Pedurungan Kidul 01 Semarang, totalling 40 students with a sampling technique, namely a saturated sample. The research design used was a one-group pretest-posttest design. Based on the results of normality data analysis with Stable = 0.140, initial normality was obtained with L0 = 0.134, and final normality L0 = 0.139 with H0 results accepted that the data came from a normal distribution. Furthermore, the t-test calculation with ttable = 1.685 obtained t-count learning mastery = 23,772. With classical learning, completeness reaches 95%. Calculation of the analysis of creative thinking by students obtained t count = 15,899, and t arithmetic analysis of creative thinking conducted by the teacher = 10,690. Then Ha is accepted, meaning that the Two Stay Two Stray learning model effectively affects students' creative thinking skills and social studies learning outcomes for class IV Public Elementary School Pedurungan Kidul 01 Semarang with 95% classical learning completeness. Effective social studies learning outcomes, natural resource materials, and fostering students' creative thinking skills can be used as an alternative teacher in teaching.

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