
Evidence suggests that the wintering of stock on forage crops is a significant contributor to N losses from livestock farming. Losses are likely to be exacerbated if crops are grown on shallow free-draining soils types and grazed by dairy cattle. A three-year trial (December 2008 - November 2011) was conducted in northern Southland on a soil classified as having severe vulnerability for nutrient leaching to groundwater. Porous ceramic cups were installed under a brassica crop which was grazed by dairy cows in June each year and the leachate collected regularly for N analysis. The treatments evaluated were with and without a single application of DCD applied at the time of crop grazing. Concentrations of nitrate-N in drainage water ranged from 40 mg/L in May 2011. Concentrations of dissolved organic N (DON) also increased from a low initial value (

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