
The article presents the results of determination of the effectiveness of drug dequicox with eimeriosis of broiler chickens. Experimental studies were conducted from June to September 2018 in poultry enterprises of the Nizhniy Novgorod and Moscow regions on healthy day-old broiler chickens. The results showed that the anticoccidian drug Dequicox when using to broilers at a dose of 20 mg per 1 kg of compound feed according to DV (333 mg of the drug per 1 kg of feed, which corresponds to 2 mg of DV per 1 kg of body weight) for 30 days largely inhibits the reproduction of Eimeria in the intestine, which contributes to the normal growth, development and productivity of poultry.Despite significant progress in the poultry industry and veterinary medicine, not a single farm, regardless of the size or type of ownership, can do without the use of anti-drugs. The features of biology and reproduction of the causative agents of eimeriosis allow them to quickly adapt to changing habitat conditions and contribute to widespread distribution. It is known that eimeria quite rapidly form resistance to anticoccidian drugs and pass it on. Such unique adaptive mechanisms provoke outbreaks of this invasion, which are often noted in broiler chickens and young stock.The prevailing conditions dictate the need to improve treatment and preventive measures through the development of new highly effective anticoccidian drugs.

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