
One of the factors for improving the quality of education in schools is teaching materials. Based on the results of observations at SMAN 1 Sitiung that students have not used e-modules but use electronic teaching materials in the form of pdf files downloaded from the internet and only in the form of writing and a few pictures. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it is known that students have difficulty understanding the concept of the respiratory system material. This causes low student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the creative thinking questionnaire, it was found thatstudents' creative thinking ability is still low with an average score of 33.8, so it is included in the less creative category.So it takes teaching materials that can help in visualizing the subject matter.This type of research is Plomp model development research which consists of three stages, namely the initi al investigation stage, the development or prototyping stage, and the assessment stage. The research subjects were class XI students at SMAN 1 Sitiung for the 2022-2023 academic year. Effectiveness test data were obtained from multiple choice question sheets for assessing cognitive competence, observation sheets for assessing affective competence and psychomotor competence, and essay question sheets for assessing students' creative thinking skills. The effectiveness test results from the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects of students show that STEM-based e-modules are very effective and the value of creative thinking skills is obtained on average81.22% (very creative).

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