
REVIEW QUESTION / OBJECTIVE The objective of this review is to identify the best available quantitative evidence related to the effectiveness of school-based family asthma educational programs on the quality of life and number of asthma exacerbations of children aged five to18 years with a diagnosis of asthma. INCLUSION CRITERIA Types of participants This review will consider studies that include children, five to 18 years of age, of any gender, race, or ethnicity with a clinical diagnosis of asthma, who has participated in school-based asthma education programs that include their caregivers. Studies that include children younger than age five and older than age 18, with respiratory diseases other than asthma, who have not participated in school-based asthma education programs that include their caregivers will be excluded. Types of intervention(s) This review will consider studies that evaluate the effectiveness of school-based family asthma education interventions on the quality of life and number of asthma exacerbations of children with asthma compared to absence of school-based family asthma education programs. Types of outcomes This review will consider studies that include the following outcome measures: primary outcomes of quality of life and asthma exacerbations, and secondary outcomes of absences from school or work, physical activity intolerance, and emergency hospital visits as a result of asthma exacerbations. Quality of life can be measured by a valid and reliable tool such as the Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire. The number of asthma exacerbations can be measured by valid and reliable tools such as the TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

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