
The current learning process of science requires students not only to have cognitive abilities but also to be skilled in the learning process. The development of students' science process skills can be measured through several indicators, including: making observations, interpreting observations, classifying, planning experiments, and communicate using tools, predicting and applying concepts. The measuring indicators are related to the Project-Based Learning model, which trains students to do their work through the process of learning stages. This study aims to determine the effect of applying Project Based Learning models on students' science process skills. This research was a pre-experimental study using one group pretest-posttest design. The population of this study were students of MAN 5 Aceh Besar and obtained 40 students of the study sample using a purposive sampling technique. Data is collected from the results of measurement using the science process skills assessment instrument conducted by teachers to students. The instrument includes indicators of science process skills that want to measure before and after learning using the Project-Based Learning model. The data is then analyzed using the t-test formula and is obtained the result of tcount> ttable is 4.29> 1.73, which means Ha is accepted. Based on these results it can be concluded that the application of the Project-Based Learning model is effectively applied to improve the ability of students' science processes at MAN 5 Aceh Besar on Static Fluid topic.

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