
This research aims to know the effectiveness of Indonesian learning at university through a multichannel learning model. The multichannel learning model is a form of blended learning. The research method used is the survey research on 495 students who join Indonesian lecture through the multichannel learning model at Bina Nusantara University. The techniques of collecting data are questionnaire and student learning outcome in Indonesian. The questionnaire is used to assess student’s perception against the effectiveness of Indonesian learning in higher education through a multichannel learning model. While the learning outcome is tested by using the Paired Sample T-Test to find out whether there is an increase in student learning outcome in Indonesian language which is applied with a multichannel learning model. The result showed that student rated multichannel model learning with a combination of combined lecturer (at 69% index), lecturer (at 78% index), discussion forum, and guide self-learning class (on index 68.6%) as effective in improving Indonesian learning outcome in higher education. For the Paired T-test result, it is known that the Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.000 <0.005, so it can be concluded that the multichannel learning model can improve Indonesian learning outcome in higher education.

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