
Learning tools are thing that used to help students learn more effectively and efficiently. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of learning tools to support the science learning process. The Subjects of this study are articles obtained through the search site https://scholar.google.co.id that relevant to the issue. There were 3 selection steps to collect articles used as the main data sources. The first selection based on the title of the article. The second selection arranged through abstract scanning. The third selection conducted by reading the entire contents of the article. Through the selections, 40 accredited articles that analyse learning tools, especially in science education (Physics 65.85%, Chemistry 4.88%, and Biology 29.27%) obtained as the data source. The articles are analysed descriptively to determine the effectiveness of using learning tools in science learning to improve student competency. The learning tools in the articles consisted of innovative tools developed (72.5%) and conventional tools available in schools (27.5%). The learning tools in the articles applied at various levels of education, from elementary school to university. Based on analysis data, the use of learning tools was 100% effective in support science learning, characterized by an increase in student competence after the use of tools in learning. Competencies that developed through the use of learning tools are knowledge (53.3%), attitude (20%), skills (18.3%), mindset (1.68%), metacognitive (1.68%), creativity (1.68%), problem-solving (1.68%), and motivation (1.68%). The benefits that reached from the use of learning tools, specifically in science lessons, have implications for improving student competency.

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