
The purpose of this study is to determine whether better communication between parents and their teens may prevent the use of narcotics and other illegal drugs because teenagers do not have a defined place; they are no longer classified as children, but they are not yet socially acceptable. To enter the adult category, you must first fill out the form. Teenagers are a transitional stage between children and adults. Adolescence is commonly referred to as the "finding identity" or "hurricane and storm" phase. Teenagers are still unable to master and perform optimally in both physical and psychological capacities. The teenage phase is a critical growth stage in terms of cognitive, emotional, and physical development. Because there is just one variable in this research, the research methodology used is a quantitative descriptive method. Everyone involved in the research process will benefit from the research design. This survey was conducted on communication studies program students from all majors in the class of 2022. Quantitative approaches use concise data (condenser data) to see the broader picture. From all dimensions of interpersonal communication between parents and children known as openness, empathy, supporting attitude, positive attitude, and equality, it is known that respondents agree that effective communication between parents and children can reduce the use of drugs or illicit drugs.fts in the industrial sector can be obtained by protecting industrial design and trademark rights through a constitutive system.

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