
Reading is a process that readers engage in and utilize to comprehend the massages that authors hope to express via the use of words and written language. The low interest in reading is one of the many issues with Indonesian education. Students still have very little enthusiasm in reading English-language materials, and their overall proficiency in the language is also relatively low .The aim of the research was to find the effect reading comprehension of using story book on students’ 4th grade of SDN 1 Moyoketen. The method used in this research was the quantitative method of pre-experimental design by implementing pre-test and post-test. In this study, the researcher used 35 students as a sample. The data were collected by pre-test scores mean (55.71) then post-test scores mean (66.14). the result of the statistical test asymp. Sig (2-tailed is worth 0.000. It can be concluded that interactive story book is significantly effective. In conclusion interactive story book is significantly effective for students at 4th grade SDN 1 Moyoketen. So, interactive story book was in effective method can be applied in the classroom.

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