
Learning system Electronic or online learning is a policy implemented by the government during this pandemic. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia has issued a Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 36962/ MPK.A / HK /2020 regarding Online Learning and Working from Home in the Context of Preventing the Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19). The emergence of distance or online learning can anticipate the role of teachers as teachers and educators. This research was conducted on students of the Tarbiyah Faculty of Social Sciences (SS) Study Program. The research method used a quantitative approach with case studies and a descriptive qualitative approach. The literature review is carried out as a basis for argumentation both through the results of previous research in research journals, related books, and theoretical critical studies. The results showed that there were positive and negative impacts felt by technology users when doing distance learning. One of the positive impacts that can be felt is that learning can take place even though it is carried out in their respective homes. However, there are also negative impacts that are felt, starting from the signal strength that is not the same in each region so that there are often difficulties in accessing information and difficulties in the applications used. And most importantly, the delivery of learning material cannot be done optimally like during class learning.

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