
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Frayer model in acquiring the concepts of chemistry in the ninth grade students in Jordan, the importance of the study appears as it emphasizes the growing interest in the process of teaching concepts and learning it, and it is the unit of building the educational material and the basic brick in the educational ladder and the basis for more advanced learning, it also seeks to detect the effect of the Frayer model in the teaching of chemical concepts may raise the attention of chemistry teachers to use it in the educational process - learning. In this study, the researcher used the experimental approach and divided the sample into two groups, the experimental group that its students are exposed to the independent variable (Frayer model) when teaching chemistry, and the control group whose student is not exposed to the effect of the independent variable and is taught in the traditional way. And the results were statistically analyzed by the SPSS program; the following statistical treatments were used: the arithmetic mean, the standard deviation, the equation difficulty equation, the equalization of discrimination, the equation of the effectiveness of alternatives and the equation of Spearman Brown and T-test. The results of this study showed the superiority of the female students of the experimental group which were taught using the Frayer model on female students in the control group which were taught by the conventional way of acquiring chemical concepts. Keywords: Frayer Model, Acquisition of the Concepts of Chemistry, ninth grade students, conventional way DOI : 10.7176/JEP/10-14-16 Publication date :May 31 st 2019


  • This is confirmed by Salameh et al (2009), where he attributes the low level of education of learners to teachers who rely on traditional methods such as the lectures only, which makes the learner a receiver of the information and does not employ his thinking to access the material as he receives it without any effort made from him and in many cases he doesn't concentrate on the lesson and this makes him only memorizing the information (Salama et al, 2009)

  • This study aimed at the effect of the Frayer model on the acquisition of the concepts of measurement and evaluation among students of the teachers Training Institute, the researcher used the method of semi-experimental on a target sample of (54) students, the sample was divided into two groups, an experimental group of 27 students, and a control group of 27 students, and the results showed the superiority of the female experimental group which was taught according to the Frayer model on students in the control group which was taught by the traditional method

  • Population of the study and its sample The current research community consists of all ninth grade students for the academic year 2018/2019 in the public schools at the Directorate of Education of the Naur in Amman; the girls' secondary school was chosen as a sample for the study and was chosen in the simple random way

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The teaching of scientific concepts is one of the objectives of teaching chemistry at present after the teaching of chemistry in the past emphasizes a lot of facts and neglect concepts that are difficult for students to learn, so it is prone to forgetfulness, they are diverse and varied, so it is difficult to be grasped by students (Michelle, 2002) and the reason for this interest is that learning the concept provides an opportunity for students to analyze their thinking processes, helping them develop more effective strategies, teaching students to explore concepts, and exploration can achieve several educational objectives, including developing the student's ability to use the main objectives of science, which is the interpretation, control, and prediction, which facilitates the discovery of the new, and learning it, as well as the achievement of a functional standard of facts, information and events in the environment, which increases the student's ability to use these concepts in problem solving situations (Azerjawi, 1991).The Fryer model is one of the educational models based on the main principles of structural philosophy and works to achieve cognitive goals, in this model, help students to construct concepts, generalizations and theories (Zaitoun, 2007) and can be used in the teaching of different educational materials, Frayer model is one of the results of a large project to learn and measure concepts, Fryer has been held at the University of Wisconsin in the United States of America and includes stages for concept analysis, concept learning and concept acquisition measurement (1969, Frayer) learning the concept according to that model is the result of the complex interaction between the initial cognitive processes i.e. the previous experiences of the students with the help of the teacher to introduce the definition of the concept, and to provide it with examples that belong to the concept (Frayer,1970). The researcher adopted in his study this stand on the fact of the causes of weakness and treatment it in this article, and the adoption of modern models that have an impact in the organization of experiences and the development of thinking and talent and potential of students on the one hand, on the other hand, the development of the ability of teachers to connect the subject with the latest trends in modern teaching, the researcher wanted to try the Fryer model to teach chemistry This is confirmed by Salameh et al (2009), where he attributes the low level of education of learners to teachers who rely on traditional methods such as the lectures only, which makes the learner a receiver of the information and does not employ his thinking to access the material as he receives it without any effort made from him and in many cases he doesn't concentrate on the lesson and this makes him only memorizing the information (Salama et al, 2009). Through the experience of the researcher in the field of teaching chemistry for twenty years in middle and high schools and what he found of the lack of students' understanding of chemical concepts and this may be the result of the use of teaching methods in which the teacher is the center of the educational process and poor communication in the interaction between teacher and student, despite the confirmation of recent trends in education on the role of the learner as he is the center of the process of education as it is necessary to change the teaching methods used to make the student an active individual

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