
The purpose of the work was to evaluate the sires in terms of milk productivity of daughters by comparing the method “daughters-dams” in the herd of OOO “BMK” Bogdanovichsky area in Sverdlovsk region. It was found that the milk yield for 305 days of lactation in the daughters of the sire Fennek 4241542328 was 8815±323,2 kg with the difference between the milk yield of daughters and the milk yield of dams 705 kg and the coefficient of variability 17,9 %. Sire Altadublin 8820742 was evaluated as neutral in milk yield of daughters for 305 days of lactation, while his daughters showed milk yield less than dams by 34 kg. The mass fraction of fat in the milk in the daughters of the sire Altadublin 8820742 was lower than that in dams by 0,09 %. In the daughters of sires Bosch 2733, Fennek 4241542328 and Lan 666626709, it was higher than in dams by 0,12 abs.%, 0,02 and 0,11 abs.%, respectively. The sires Bosch 2733, Fennek 4241542328 and Lan 666626709 were evaluated as improvers by the mass fraction of protein in milk, the indicators of their daughters exceeded the indicator in dams by 0,42 abs.%, 0,40 and 0,41 abs.% (P < 0,01–0,001), respectively. The sire Altadublin 8820742 was evaluated as neutral, because in terms of the mass fraction of protein in milk, his daughters surpassed their dams by only 0,03 abs.%. Taking into account the genealogical structure of Black-and-White breed of the Urals, it is necessary to evenly use the gene pool of all promising lines of Holstein breed such as Wes Ideal 933122, Montwick Chieftain 95679, Reflection Sovereign 198998.

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