
Cayenne pepper is one type of vegetables that have high economic value. Cayenne pepper as one of the many vegetable commodities cultivated by farmers in Indonesia because it has a high selling price. This study aims to analyze the effect of microbes by using EM4 on chili plants and assess the dose and time of EM4 application that is effective against the growth of cayenne pepper plant. The research method used was experiment, that is factorial experiment by using Randomized Complete Random Design (RAL) design with two treatment factors, EM4 dose (D) : D1= 5 ml/L, D2 = 10 5 ml/L, D3 = 20 ml/L and EM4 (T) time: T1= 5 HT, T2 = 10 HST, T3= 15 HST and. In total there are 10 treatment combinations with one control treatment (D0T0), with each treatment 3 plants and 3 replications, so there are 90 plants. The results showed that EM4 dosage with 15 days application time was the best combination of treatment for plant height, plant biomass and root length.


  • Cabai rawit merupakan salah satu jenis sayuran yang memilki nilai ekonomi tinggi

  • This study aims to analyze the effect of microbes by using Effective Microorganisms 4 (EM4) on chili plants and assess the dose and time of EM4 application that is effective against the growth of cayenne pepper plant

  • The results showed that EM4 dosage with 15 days application time was the best combination of treatment for plant height, plant biomass and root length

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Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih cabai yang sudah ditanam di pottray dengan usia siap tanam 21 hari dan tinggi 10 cm, EM4, pupuk kandang, NPK. Alat yang digunakan adalah pottray, polybag, cangkul, ayakan, timbangan, meteran, dan alat tulis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen, yaitu percobaan faktorial dengan menggunakan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan dua faktor perlakuan yaitu dosis EM4 (D) : D1= 5 ml/L, D2 = 10 5 ml/L, D3 = 20 ml/L dan waktu pemberian EM4 (T): T1= 5 HT, T2 = 10 HST, T3= 15 HST. Variabel pengamatan yang diamati adalah: Pertumbuhan cabai rawit meliputi tinggi tanaman (cm), biomassa tanaman (g), dan panjang akar (cm), produktivitas cabai meliputi jumlah buah dan berat buah (g). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (Annova) dengan uji taraf F 5%, dan apabila terdapat beda nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut DMRT pada taraf 5

Biomassa Tanaman Cabai rawit
Panjang akar tanaman Cabai rawit
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