
The objective of this research is to describe the use of creative-inquiry-based student worksheets in improving physics self-efficacy and problem solving of senior high school students. This was quasi-experiment research with pretest and posttest control group design. Samples were taken using the purposive sampling technique. They were the twelfth-grade students of Public Senior High School 7 in Bandar Lampung and Public Senior High School 1 in North Sungkai. Samples were divided into two groups; the experimental group taught by using a creative-inquiry-based student worksheet and control group taught by using student worksheet sold freely in the market. Instruments used were self-efficacy sheets and problems to test physics problem-solving ability. The data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis with percentage technique, N-gain, and independent t-test. The result showed that a creative-inquiry-based student worksheet is effective to be used to improve self-efficacy and ability of physics problem-solving. Good self-efficacy will have implications for the level of physics problem-solving ability in solving physics problems.

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