
Terrorism in Indonesia originated from the rebellion of Islamic groups, which fought for the establishment of an Islamic state. They consider the war against the government as jihad. As was done by Darul Islam (DI) or the Islamic State of Indonesia/Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) in 1950, with a base of resistance in West Java. The government foiled this movement through military operations. In the next era, acts of terror often occurred in Indonesia, such as the Christmas Eve bombing, attempted assassination of President Soekarno's family, the Bali bombings 1 and 2, JW bomb. Marriot and the most horrendous was the Surabaya Bombing incident, which was carried out by two families against several churches and the Surabaya Police Headquarters. The most recent was the attack on the Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security, Wiranto, and the bomb in Medan Regional Police. Some acts of terror also occurred in areas of interreligious conflict in Indonesia, such as in Poso and Ambon. Several acts of terror that occurred in various regions in Indonesia and foreign countries such as Mindanao and Afghanistan, among them, involving some Bima citizens as perpetrators, not to mention the terrorist acts against the Police that occurred in the Bima Region. Responding to several acts of terror that occurred, the Government, through the Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT), established 12 (twelve) Regions as the Red Zone of terrorism in Indonesia, one of which was the Bima Region. It makes the phenomenon interesting to be investigated because, on the one hand, various efforts to counter terrorism are intensified, but on the other hand, acts of terror continue to occur. In this article, the author would focus on countering terrorism carried out by BNPT, the National Police, and how the community's participation.

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