
Many mothers with babies who do not give exclusive breastfeeding and do not understand preventionefforts when the baby is choking, so that mothers need to understand lactation management to optimize thepurpose of exclusive breastfeeding, and need to equip themselves in preventive management when the babyis choking. The research objective was to determine the effectiveness of lactation management educationand management of choking in mothers with babies in East Java Indonesia.The research method was a pre-experimental pretest-posttest design. The population was all mothers withbabies in Kediri City East Java Indonesia. The sample consisted of 30 respondents using the incidentalsampling technique. The independent variables were lactation management education and the choking inbabies. The dependent variable was Knowledge and Skills. The research instrument used a questionnaire touse google form and Youtube. Data were collected and statistical tests were performed using the Wilcoxontest with ? <0.05.The results showed that most respondents were infants aged 11-15 months (40%), maternal age was 23years old (30%), had two babies (60%), body weight 10-11 Kg (30%), complete immunization (90%), but10% of infants are not immunized. All infant respondents receive exclusive breastfeeding and also regularlyattend Posyandu. The results of the Wilcoxon statistical test on the knowledge variable obtained a Z valueof -4.8 (> 1.96) with a P-value = 0.000 and the choking treatment variable with a Z value of -4.6 (> 1.96)with a P-value = 0.000 which means there is a significant effect of Audio-Visual Education on LactationManagement and Choking in Mothers with Babies during the Covid-19 Pandemic on the knowledge andimprovement of choking management skills in respondents.Effective education is provided to increase knowledge and skills in the management of choking in infants.Prevention is more important in reducing the morbidity of cases related to nutrition and the incidence ofchoking in infants.

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