
Despite “Push pull” technology’s (PPT) effectiveness in increasing maize yields by controlling Stem borer and striga weeds, its full benefits are yet to be realized. PPT involves planting Napier grass around maize intercropped with Desmodium. Agro-dealers are often used to spread PPT but knowledge of its effectiveness was inadequate. This study sought to provide the missing information using a cross-sectional research design to collect data from a proportional stratified random sample of 102 agro-dealers in Western Kenya. A valid, closed-ended questionnaire whose 0.85α reliability was above the 0.70 acceptable was used. Data were analysed using Chi-square at 0.05α set a priori. Results: Agro-dealers’ effectiveness in communicating PPT was independent of their knowledge of it, Desmodium plant or seriousness of the striga problem but depended on frequency at which farmers sought advice from them; gender, education and years in business did not affect agro-dealers’ effectiveness; and those visited most by farmers were more effective in disseminating PPT. Conclusions: Agro-dealers are appropriate for educating males and females and spreading PPT through them enhances adoption. Recommendations: Extension providers should train and involve agro-dealers in disseminating PPT and selling certified seeds. Key words: agro-dealers, Desmodium seeds, effectiveness, farmers, maize, Napier grass, push-pull technology, Stem Borer, Striga weeds, Western Kenya.

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