
This study belongs to the pattern of semi-experimental studies aimed at measuring the effectiveness of the family therapy program in reducing PTSD for children as a result of parental separation,The study was based on theories of family therapy, theory of behavior and behavioral theory in its theoretical premise. The sample size of the study was single children in late childhood who receive psychological and family counseling services within Al-Iman Family Care Foundation. The study relied on two tools namely family therapy program and a measure to determine the effectiveness A family therapy program for disturbed children after the shock of separation of spouses, and the results of the study found that there are significant differences statistically significant at the level (0.05) between pre and post measurement in the self-confidence index on the scale of the effectiveness of the family treatment program in favor Yas Al-Baadi. There are also significant statistical differences (0.05) between the pre- and post-measurement in the psychological pressure index on the scale of the effectiveness of the family therapy program in favor of telemetry. There are significant differences (0.05) between the pre- and post-measurement in the emotional disorders index. (0.05) between pre and post measurement in the psychosocial compatibility index on the scale of the effectiveness of psychological rehabilitation programs in favor of telemetry.

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