
We consider haploid and dioecious age-structured populations that vary over time in cycles of length k. Results are obtained for both autosomal and sex-linked loci if the population is dioecious. It is assumed that k is small in comparison with numbers of haploid individuals (or of numbers of males and females) in any generation of a cycle. The inbreeding effective population size N e is then approximately given by the expression [ T∑ k−1 j=0 1/[ N e( j) T( j)]] −1, where N e( j) and T( j) are, respectively, the effective population size and generation interval that would hold if the population was at all times generated in the same way as at time j. The constant T, which is the effective overall generation interval, is defined to be k times the harmonic mean of the quantities T( j). Our expressions for T and N e, in terms of N e( j) and T( j), are general, but the N e( j)s are derived under the assumption that offspring are produced according to Poisson distributions.

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