
The backgrounds of this study are students can increase concentration when learning through talking stick, students have a low category in critical thinking skills, and students become passive because learning is only focused on the teacher. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the Talking Stick learning model on the critical thinking skills of the tenth-grade students of SMA N Trimurjo 1. This research was quasi-experimental. The population of this study was all tenth-grade students of SMA N 1 Trimurjo. The sampling technique used was purposive. The samples of this study were 2 classes, they were class X.Mipa1 as the experimental class and class X.Mipa2 as the Control class. The instrument used in this study was students’ critical thinking skills test in the form of essay questions applied in the pretest and posttest. The hypothetical test used was the t-test with a significance level of 0.05%. Previously, the prerequisite tests were done to verify the normality and homogeneity of the tests. Based on the results of the hypothetical test, the result shows that tobserved>tcritical is equal to 1.86 > 1.67. The effectiveness of the Talking Stick model can be determined by the effect size test with the obtained value of 0.3 in the medium category. It can be concluded that Ha is accepted. It means that the Talking Stick learning model is effective for students’ critical thinking skills.

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