
Palm oil frond is one of the plantation waste that can be used as animal feed especially in the dry season when green forage became rare. In 1 Ha of plantation land, around 20.000 kg of fresh palm oil frond can be obtained each year. The study aimed to determine the fermentation process between oil palm fronds with prolinas (OPFP) as substitution of corn straw in dairy cattle rations and to see how it affect to milk production of PFH dairy cows. This study used 4 of fourth lactation PFH dairy cattle. The experiments used a latin square design with 4 treatments and 4 repetition. The treatment consisted of P0: forage 55% + 45% concentrate (control), P1: forage 55% (90% corn straw + OPFP 10%) + 45% concentrate, P2: forage 55% (80% corn straw + OPFP 20% ) + 45% Concentrate, P3: Forage 55% (60% corn straw + OPFP 40%) + 45% concentrate. The parameters measured were feed consumption, feed efficiency, milk production and 4% FCM milk production. Data were analyzed by SAS programe. The Differences between treatments were analyzed using Duncan Multiple Range Test.The results showed that corn straw substitution treatment with fermentation of oil palm fronds with prolinas has no effect (P> 0.05) to feed efficiency and 4% FCM milk production but decreasing (P <0.05) the feed consumption and and milk production. The conclusions of this research that the substitution of fermentation of oil palm fronds with prolinas decreased milk production of dairy cattle.

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