
<p id=C2>Feedback processing plays an important role in behavior modification and knowledge acquisition. Previous research has explored the neurophysiological basis and psychological functions of feedback processing and proposed corresponding theoretical models, but little is known about how working memory (WM) load affects feedback processing. Studies have reported electrophysiological indicators, such as the reward positivity (RewP) and the related theta and delta oscillations, the P3 and the late positive potential (LPP), during brain processing feedback. This study will further examine how WM load modulates these electrophysiological components and their corresponding cognitive functions. <break/>In the present study, we used a dual-task paradigm to investigate feedback processing under different WM load conditions. This study included 25 healthy college students and used a 3 (WM load: baseline vs. low WM load vs. high WM load) by 2 (feedback valence: positive vs. negative) within-participant factorial design. During the experiment, participants were asked to perform a simple gambling task and a spatial memory task simultaneously, and the magnitude of the WM load included three conditions: baseline, low WM load and high WM load. The RewP generated in the early stage of feedback processing and the LPP generated in the late stage of feedback processing, as well as the delta and theta oscillations related to feedback evaluation, were analyzed. <break/>The behavioral results showed that the accuracy of the low WM load condition was significantly higher than that of the high WM load condition. The electrophysiological results showed that the amplitudes of the RewP were sensitive to feedback valence, with positive feedback evoking larger RewP than negative feedback, but the RewP was not affected by the WM load. There was no difference in the P3 amplitude under the different WM load conditions. For the LPP, there was a significant interaction between the WM load and feedback valence. Further analysis revealed that, in the high WM load condition, the LPP amplitude was larger for positive feedback than for negative feedback. The theta power differences between negative feedback and positive feedback were larger in the low WM load condition than in the high WM load condition. For delta oscillation, the power was increased after positive feedback compared to after negative feedback, but there was no difference at different WM load levels. <break/>The RewP results indicate that the participants process feedback valence information well under all three WM load conditions in the experiment. The LPP results suggest that the participants assigned additional emotional motivation to the feedback outcome as a result of their cognitive efforts under high WM load conditions. The ERP results for the time domain dimension showed that the effect of the WM load on feedback processing was most noticeable in the later stages of feedback processing. Moreover, these observations support the argument that the RewP and theta power reflect distinct cognitive phenomena; namely, the RewP reflects the processing of feedback valence in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), whereas theta oscillations reflect the role of the ACC in cognitive control. The WM load selectively modulates the cognitive control process in the ACC.


  • Feedback processing plays an important role in behavior modification and knowledge acquisition

  • little is known about how working memory

  • The reward positivity (RewP) generated in the early stage of feedback processing

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摘 要 个体对行为后反馈结果的加工在学习和环境适应方面有重要意义, 工作记忆负荷(working memory load, WM load)如何影响反馈加工过程尚不清楚。采用双任务范式, 设置基线、低 WM load、高 WM load 三种条件, 结 合 ERP 技术对这一问题进行探究。发现 RewP (reward positivity, 奖赏正波)对效价敏感, 而不受 WM load 条件影响; Theta 震荡的正、负反馈差异波在高 WM load 条件下比在低 WM load 条件下小。结果支持等级强化学习−前扣带 回理论(HRL-ACC, hierarchical reinforcement learning theory of anterior cingulate cortex)对于 RewP 和 theta 震荡的观 点: RewP 反映了反馈效价评估功能, theta 震荡反映了认知控制功能, 并且 WM load 选择性影响了 ACC 的认知控制 功能而不是反馈效价评估功能。 关键词 工作记忆负荷(WM load), 反馈, 奖赏正波(RewP), theta 震荡, 前扣带回 分类号 B842 奖赏正波(RewP, reward positivity), 早期被称 作反馈相关负波(feedback related negativity, FRN), 是反馈加工诱发最重要的 ERP 成分。RewP 对反馈 效价敏感, 正反馈比负反馈诱发更正的正波。该成 分出现在反馈刺激后 200~350 ms 范围内, 最大波 幅分布于头皮中前部, 偶极子溯源分析和神经影像 学 研 究 认为 RewP 的脑内发生 源位 于 前 扣 带回 (anterior cingulate cortex, ACC)和纹状体附近(Gehring & Willoughby, 2002; Glazer et al, 2018; Hajcak et al, 2006; Miltner et al, 1997; Sambrook & Goslin, 2015)。 对 RewP 所反映的心理功能的理解经历了一个转变, 早期认为 RewP 反映了负反馈(如金钱损失)加工, 负反馈诱发了更负的负波(Gehring & Willoughby, 收稿日期: 2021-04-19 * 国家自然科学基金项目(31200784)资助。

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