
Abstract This paper presents a relative comparison of the impact of cruciform screens, perimeter screens, and walkways on 3 × 6 cells forced draft air-cooled condenser's (ACC) thermal performance and dynamic fan blade loading under windy conditions. Numerical simulations were carried out for the three mitigation measures at two fan platform heights, four wind speeds, and three wind directions. The results indicate that walkways are a robust solution to ACC wind effects and offer benefits in terms of thermal performance and dynamic blade loading under all wind conditions considered. Cruciform screens offered the most effective mitigation of wind-related thermal performance deterioration under certain wind conditions, but the impact of these screens is sensitive to the wind direction. The dynamic blade loading impact of cruciform screens is variable, and these screens are not recommended for dynamic blade loading mitigation. Perimeter screens offered the most effective mitigation of dynamic blade loading and were particularly effective at high wind speeds but often exacted a penalty in terms of thermal performance at moderate to low wind speeds. The results of this study indicate that a correctly configured wind mitigation system, potentially consisting of more than one individual mechanism, could help improve thermal performance and simultaneously reduce dynamic blade loading under windy conditions resulting in a robust, wind-resistant condenser.

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