
This research aimed to determine the effect of web-assisted PBL model towards problem solving ability of class X students. This research was an experiment research or experiment study on two sample groups namely the experiment group and the control group. The research design was True Experimental with the Post-Test-Only Control Design form. This experiment research was conducted in class X MIA of SMAN 2 Yogyakarta. The samples used in this study were 30 students of class X MIA 8 as the experiment group and 30 students of class X MIA 9 as the control group. Based on the results of the Independent Sample T-Test, the two sample groups seen from Sig. (2-tailed) were worth 0.000 < 0.05, so H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. The results of the effect test were calculated using Cohen’d Effect Size to determine the magnitude of the problem solving ability effect between the experiment class and the control class. The study was concluded that the web-assisted problem based learning model had a huge effect on the problem solving ability of class X students.

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