
The present study was conducted to verify the oxidative stress status by using different doses of KMno4 (100,200,300) mg /70kg b.w and role of antioxidant agents at different concentrations of Vitamin C (1000, 1500, 2000) mg /70kg b.w on female infertility. To achieve this aim, 72 female rats with ages of 2-3 months, weighing( 180g-250g) Were enrolled .To compare the results, 24 healthy individuals of ages(2-3 months) were also studied which divided to three chief groups: treated with KMno4, Vitamin C and combination of (KMno4+Vitamin C) . Serum Vitamin C and ovaries were dissected for histopathological study. The results indicated a significant decrease (p<0.05) of Vitamin C values in sera of groups that treated with (KMno4) alone, when compared with the control group, while Vitamin C levels showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in Vitamin C treated groups in respect with those of the control group. The highest levels of Vitamin C values were found in the groups that combined of treated with (KMno4+Vitamin C). There was a normal histological appearance of ovary in control group, the treatment with 1000 mg/70kg vitC. b wt showed an increase in the blood flow within the parenchyma of ovary representing congestion of blood vessels and numerous of growing follicles and huge graffian follicles. While treatment with different doses of KMno4 resulted in appearance of few number of growing follicles and huge graffian follicles. These results highlighted the involvement of the oxidative stress in female infertility and confirmed the benefits of the use of antioxidants in the medication of this condition, not only to improve the environment of follicles, but also to modulate female infertility hormonal profile.

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