
Although the Internet of Things (IoT) developers view human users as the weakest cybersecurity link and potentially a deciding factor in IoT security, IoT devices are exposed to a variety of security flaws and vulnerabilities, which most social engineers take advantage of to launch several data-collection attacks. For various purposes, this study looked at improving data security on MySQL databases and web pages by using TSL encryption protocols and the two algorithms (RSA & AES) that correlate with the Internet of Things environment and enable user authentication. The implementation was done on the proposed models and encryption methods used. This study aimed to protect the information that is shared on the Internet and connect IoT devices in a secure environment. The results revealed that the proposed study increased the level of protection with the help of complex conditions specified when registering the user and protecting it against attacks. As a result, one of the most important events that came true is the existence of cybersecurity. It is expected that this research will enhance the understanding of the IoT environment and exploit social engineering attacks to impose security on the IoT environment and preserve the rights of human users.

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