
Background: Maintaining the pH balance of saliva is one way to prevent dental caries. The pH balance of saliva is influenced by the rate of salivary secretion. The rate of salivary secretion can be stimulated chemically and mechanically. Mechanical stimulation by brushing teeth and chemically by gargling. Indonesia is currently developing natural ingredients as medicinal ingredients that have been scientifically tested for their benefits and safety. Laban leaf (Vitex pinnata) is one of the many medicinal plants found in Indonesia. Laban leaves contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that can inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans so that it can remove dental plaque naturally. Some researchers state that laban leaf extract can affect the pH of saliva. This study aims to see the effect of the use of laban leaf methanol extract toothpaste on salivary pH.Methods: Experimental research method with pre and post-tests design with proposing sampling technique where 26 people were taken as samples. The sample was divided into 2 groups which received different treatment. Group 1 was instructed to brush their teeth with laban leaf extract toothpaste and group 2 with toothpaste circulating in the market tied their teeth for 3 minutes.Results: Results based on the comparison of salivary pH before and after brushing teeth, it was found that brushing teeth with methanol extract toothpaste of laban leaves was more effective in increasing salivary pH. Based on the use of toothpaste with laban leaf methanol extract, the significant value is 0.000<(0.05), so it can be concluded that reject H0. This means that there is an average difference before and after using laban leaf methanol extract toothpaste. In conclusion, the use of laban leaf methanol extract toothpaste has more effect on increasing the pH of saliva.Conclusions: brushing teeth with laban leaf methanol extract toothpaste is more effective in increasing the pH of saliva. We recommend recommending further research to determine the potential of laban leaves to be used as raw material for toothpaste.

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