
The study focused on finding out the effect of applying Chain Story Technique in writingdescriptive text. The chain story technique is a technique which is used to make writing class moreinteresting. this technique is suitable use in writing activity. It can help teacher in teaching learningprocess and can help students to understand quickly to make summary of the text. The populationof the research was the eight grade students of SMP NEGERI 14 MEDAN. There were fourtyeight students of the eight grade as the sample of the research. This study was conducted with tworandomized class namely experimental class and control class. The experimental class was taughtby applying Chain Story Technique, while the control class was taught without Chain StoryTechnique. The instrument of collecting the data was writing test. The data were analyzed byusing reliability (KR21) and t-test formula. The calculation shown that the mean score of studentsin experimental class is 8,45 and the mean score of control class who are taught without ChainStory technique is 3,25. It can be concluded that the mean score of experimental class is higherthan control class. There is a significant difference scores between experimental group and controlgroup. Based on research finding, it is concluded that t-observed is higher than t-table. T-obs> ttable (p=0.05) 8.813>1.679. it means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Chain StoryTechnique significantly affects on the eight grade students of SMP NEGERI 14 MEDAN inwriting descriptive text. It is suggested the English Department Students, lecturer and all of peopleto use this strategy.

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