
Background: This research aimed to investigate the effect of resistance and high-intense interval training and the consumption of grape seed oil on the expression of HADHA, CPT1, and CD36 genes in male rats' gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats (250 ± 25g) were divided into six groups. The resistance training group performed the training in 3 weekly sessions for 8 weeks, and the interval training group performed high-intensity running on a treadmill for eight weeks, 5 sessions a week. The grape seed oil (3.7g/kg) was administered by gavage. The expression of HADH1, CPT1, and CD36 genes was measured in the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Results: The results showed that the expression of the CD36 gene increased in the gastrocnemius muscle in the resistance training group (P = 0.043), grape seed oil group (P = 0.042), and grape seed oil plus intense interval training (P = 0.005) group compared to the saline control group. Moreover, the expression of CD36 (P = 0.021) and CPT1 (P = 0.005) genes in the soleus muscle increased in the resistance training plus grape seed oil group compared to the control group. However, the CPT1 expression in the gastrocnemius muscle had no significant difference among all groups. The HADHA expression in the gastrocnemius significantly increased in the resistance training plus grape seed oil group (P = 0.04) compared to the grape seed oil group. However, its expression in the soleus muscle significantly increased in the intense interval training plus grape seed oil group compared to the control group (P = 0.04). Conclusions: It can be concluded that resistance, high-intensity interval training, and the consumption of grape seed oil can be a good combination to provide energy.

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