
The susceptibility of lactoferrin in bovine colostrum and human milk to digestion by trypsin and chymortrypsin has been investigated. Neither enzyme had much effect on the lactoferrin-mediated antimicrobial activity of human milk, and the iron binding capacity of lactoferrin in the milk was only slightly reduced. Likewise both enzymes had only a slight effect on the iron-binding capacity of purified lactoferrin. Although iron-free (apo)lactoferrni was slightly more susceptible to digestion, especially by chymotrypsin, than the iron-saturated form, the difference was much less than has been found in earlier studies with other proteins, of the transferrin class. In contrast, trypsin destroyed the antimicrobial activity of bovine colostrum, and, in line with earlier studies, appreciably reduced the iron-binding capacity of both colostrum and purified bovine apolactoferrin. Bovine iron-saturated lactoferrin was more resistant to digestion. The unusual resistance of human appolactoferrin to proteolysis may reflect an evolutionary development designed to permit its survival in the gut of the infant.

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